I feel a little "piggy", having pruned only my backyard trees so far this Winter, and having the "Winter Blossoms" all to myself! The buds haven't opened up yet on the trees, in spite of this early warm and dry spell, so anything we prune can still be forced to blossom indoors.
Which brings me to the point, pruning fruit trees! I will host a pruning (live wood) and trimming (dead wood) workshop on Saturday, April 7, from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm, at the Emma Schoolhouse, and across the highway at the Emma Townsite. Let's just meet at the Emma Schoolhouse, and we'll split up into crews from there.
Bring work gloves, pruning shears, loppers, hand saw, jacknife, and pieces of string or ribbon for tying up your branches to force blossoms at home, if you want to try that. If you have a good ladder and you can haul it, please feel free to bring it. If you are comfortable climbing trees, please make sure the tree is comfortable having you climb, by wearing gentle-soled shoes (no Vibram-soled hiking boots on the bark, please). See the links on the right for examples of high quality tools, most of which can be found locally at Eagle Crest Nursery in El Jebel. Also peruse the pruning training videos if you like, to brush up on techniques.
I hope to see you out there!